
Challenge Rules

First and far most my hope is that you will be inspired by our sketches and play along with us and have fun scrapping!

1. Our sketches are revealed on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month at 12am EST. All entries for both sketches are due by midnight EST of the last day of the month. Earn one draw towards the monthly prize for each entry. Only ONE entry per sketch! Make sure to upload your entry in the "Link up" section in the side column.

2. Monthly prize winners will be a random draw from all the month's participants. (Please note that everyone is welcome to play along but international winners may be asked to share in the shipping charges.) Winner will be announced on the 1st Friday of the new month and the winner has one week to claim their prize. Digitally created layouts are not eligible to win.

3. Layouts must be original, and may not have been previously posted online for any other challenge site.

4. Entries MAY NOT be combined with any other sites sketch challenges.

8. The MSAM design team will pick their top 3 favorite entries for each month. The winners will be announced on the 1st Friday of the new month. If chosen you may add the Top 3 badge to your blog, the badge is located in the side column.

9. Our design team tries hard to visit everyone's blogs that enter the challenges and leave some love. However, if you have Word Verification turned on the design team may not leave you a comment on your blog. The Word Verification is time consuming and many times hard to read. If you would like comments from the design team please change your blog settings to "No" on word verification or change it to Comment Moderation. Thank you!